Friday, September 21, 2018

Class Newsletter 9/21

We have had a whirlwind of a week!  I was out for 2 days for a workshop but students did an awesome job staying focused and on task.  This week in math we discussed adding and subtracting decimals.  Students did an amazing job with adding decimals.  Subtracting decimals were not a big issue.  If students struggled with this, they must have struggled due to the basic subtracting skills.  Here is a Parent Handbook on Lessons 9 (Adding Decimals) and Lesson 10 (Subtracting Decimals) with an example of how to solve these types of problems.  Develop problems for your child to solve where they would have to regroup more than once (ex. 4 - 0.22) for extra practice.

In science, we began discussing, "What is an ecosystem?"  We also began discussing the difference between biotic versus abiotic.  Ask your child about this experiment we are going to observe Monday and Tuesday.

Many students struggled with the rounding lessons.  The strategy taught was the vertical number line but I will do another small group for students who still need support with rounding.  Here is a Parent Handbook on the expectations for those lessons.

Image result for looking ahead Looking ahead:
Math We will begin Topic E on Monday.  This topic teaches how to multiply and divide decimals. Please see the Parent Newsletter (go to the Math Newsletter page) for this topic so that you know what to expect.

Science We will dig deeper into understanding Ecosystems. Discuss what your child has been learning through the course of the week.

Image result for upcoming eventsFriday, September 21 Charleston Wrap Orders Due

Tuesday, September 25 Chipotle Night This fundraiser will help offset the cost of the trip to Starbase

Thursday, September 27 8:30-10:30 Summer Project Celebration
The Rolling Video Games bus will be here on the morning of Thursday, September 27. The following students will get to attend: ZARIA GAINES, RONAN MCKINNEY, GABI RESSLER RODRIGUEZ, CAROLINE BRANDES, HARSHDEEP WADHWA

Friday, September 28 Early Dismissal
                                   Interims (Due to the Hurricane, the school will send Interims home on this day)
                                   Grandparent's Day 8:30-9:30

Tuesday, October 2 Bond Referendum Information (FLE @ 6:00)

Wednesday, October 3 Fall Pictures

Monday, October 8 Friday, October 12 Book Fair

Thursday, October 11 NASA Night

Tuesday, October 16 School Board Candidates Forum (R2i2 @ 6:30)

Image result for volunteersCalling All Volunteers!

Volunteer Opportunities
Grandparents Day is Friday, September 28 from 8:30 - 9:30.
If you would like to help by sending in a special treat, please let your child's teacher know!

Picture Day is Wednesday, October 3 beginning at 8:30.
We could use help throughout the day for helping staff in the gym.
If you could help at some time during the day, please email or call Marian Scullion ( 782-0470 ext. 3157) to let her know your available time/s.

If you haven't already completed a volunteer form (or can't remember if you did), click this link for the Volunteer Form and print.  Send this with you child. Contact information will be stored to share information about events occurring during the year.

Image result for after school
By the end of this week, all programs will have started. There is still room for a few more participants. You can find the flyer below.

Unlimited Hands-On Science forms were sent home today. Classes do begin tomorrow (Wednesday, 9/19).

Tae Kwon Do - We are still hoping to start a Tae Kwon Do class. I have misplaced my list, so please email me again if you are interested in your child participating in this class - sorry about that! The plan is for it to be on Friday.

eLc Family Handbook & Signature Page

You will find a copy of the handbook below. Teachers are still collecting the signature page. New families received a hard copy of the handbook at the beginning of the year while returning families just received the signature page. Teachers will be sending home a 2nd signature page if they haven't gotten one from you yet. Please read, sign, and return these ASAP. Thanks so much!

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