Friday, January 25, 2019

1.25 Newsletter

Math Benchmark Testing was a success!  Students really showed how much they knew and I couldn't be happier.  I will let students know their benchmark score next week.  In the meanwhile, let's celebrate a successful first semester and continue to encourage your child to do their personal best!!

What's Happening in Science?

This week we started (and most students completed) a Mystery Science activity called "How can you save a town from a hurricane?"  Students received engineering jobs (Environmental Engineer, Seawall Engineer, Levee Engineer, and Structural Engineer) and were given a budget of $1,000,000.  Ask your child about their job and their plan for how they saved "Beachtown".  Next week we will present our final plans and learn more about the movement of water and Earth's landforms. Students will also work on BrainPop assignments to learn about weathering and erosion as well as Flocabulary assignments to learn about hurricanes.  Students will be given time in class to complete these assignments (due Thurs) but are also encouraged to complete at home for homework. 

What's Happening in Math? 
We are now into our next module (Module 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions).  The parent newsletter has been upload to the "Math Newsletter" page of this blog. This week we completed Topic B (Lessons 2-5) where students interpreted division expressions as fractions.  Students are highly encouraged to model with tape diagrams to interpret division word problemsReview any of these lessons with your child to make sure they understand how to read a problem and create a division problem.  The solution needs to be a fraction. (Example: 2 divided by 3 = 2/3 and 3 divided by 2 = 3/2 = 1 1/3) Students still need to understand how to turn an improper fraction to a mixed number as well as simplifying fractions.  The anchor chart used in class for simplifying fractions is below.  Continue with multiplication fluency as we will have our 5's and 10's multiplication quiz soon.

I have been working on a program called VoiceThreadI have decided to upload the videos on Google Classroom for students to view if they are absent or need a refresher on the lesson.  Parents may not have access to this program so it is important to have your child log into their Google Classroom to get to the videos.  Email me if you have any questions about this. Homework answers are also posted on Google Classroom math the morning the homework is due.

**Report cards have been sent home today.  You may have received an email from Mrs. Juniewicz about report cards**

Upcoming Field Trips
Image result for field tripsInformation for these field trips has been sent home in Family Folders.  You may pay for these online or send in money to your child's homeroom.
Starbase: April 8-12 (Permission and Money due March 29th)
Cost: $25

Carowinds: May 31 (Permission and Money due April 12th)
Cost: $50

December Birthdays 
9- Madison Derrick
10- Omni Jones
22- Baye & Tinnin Lewis
31- Gabi Ressler

NASA Question of the Week (the link for the question will be updated next week)
Click this link to work on and complete the question of the week.  Answers need to be submitted to me by Thursday!  Students may complete this at home with a parent as well!

Magnet Information
Please view this link that was presented to students this week by our Guidance Counselor Mrs. DuBose!

***********This form will be sent home on Monday.**********

Say Thank You To a Special Faculty Member
Say Happy Valentine’s Day to your child

I would like to purchase ______ Valentine’s Day Honor Cards @ $5.00 each for the following people:

To/Honoree: ______________________________________________

Message: _________________________________________________


From: Parent/Student’s Name: _______________________________________

Grade: ____ Teacher: ________________________________________

To/Honoree: ______________________________________________

Message: _________________________________________________


From: Parent/Student’s Name: _______________________________________

Grade: ____ Teacher: ________________________________________

Thank you for your tax-deductible contribution to the
Forest Lake Educational Foundation.  Additional forms are available.
Honor Cards will be delivered on February 14, 2019
to the Honoree with a special treat attached!

Make checks payable to Forest Lake Educational Foundation and the phone number must be on the check.

Click here to download the form

Monday, January 21, 2019

1.18 Newsletter

Important Event this Week
Image result for importantWe are having Mastery Connect Benchmark testing this week.  It is important that students take these assessments seriously as it helps to gather data concerning instruction that is taken place in the classroom.  It is important that your child gets a good night's sleep as well as a healthy breakfast.  Testing on each day will occur right after activity (which ends 9:10 am).  Testing will take place in your child's homeroom teacher's classroom.  
Tuesday: Reading
Wednesday: Math
Thursday: Social Studies
Friday/Monday: Make-Up Day

What's Happening in Science?
This week we completed a Mystery Science activity called "Will A Mountain Last Forever?"  This activity helped us understand the definition of the terms "weathering" and "erosion".  Ask your child what happened in their experiment (Sugar Shake Lab). See pictures from Block 1 on the Pictures Tab.  This week we will work on saving a town from a hurricane.  Stay tuned for an update on our science activity for the week.

What's Happening in Math? 
We finished with Module 3.  We are now into our next module (Module 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions).  The first topic we covered (Topic A) was only one lesson.  Students will be given opportunities to interpret and analyze fractions on line plots.  This week's topic involves students interpreting fractions as division.  Students still need to understand how to turn an improper fraction to a mixed number as well as simplifying fractions.  The anchor chart used in class for simplifying fractions is below.  Continue with multiplication fluency as we will have our 5's and 10's multiplication quiz soon.

What are Sprints?
Image result for championsWe use Sprints in certain lessons.  They are a part of our fluency practice which is like a math warm up.  Students are given 1 minute to answer as many problems on Side A as they can.  Afterwards, they check their work and identify the number they got correct.  This is their goal to reach or beat for Side B. These are all located in their math workbooks.  Review your child's sprints with them.  You may even have them complete Side B with you at home. 

Sprint Champions for the Week

Lesson 12: Subtract Fractions with Unlike Units (Side B)
Block 1: Harshdeep Wadhwa (master), Arpith Gopu, Micah Lovett, Steven White
Block 2: Joshua Flores (master), A'Niya Adams, Lily Griswold, Jaylen Sullivan

**Grades will be finalized Tuesday, January 22 by 3:30 pm**

Upcoming Field Trips
Image result for field tripsInformation for these field trips has been sent home in Family Folders.  You may pay for these online or send in money to your child's homeroom.
Starbase: April 8-12 (Permission and Money due March 29th)
Cost: $25

Carowinds: May 31 (Permission and Money due April 12th)
Cost: $50

December Birthdays 
9- Madison Derrick
10- Omni Jones
22- Baye & Tinnin Lewis
31- Gabi Ressler

NASA Question of the Week
Click this link to work on and complete the question of the week.  Answers need to be submitted to your child's homeroom teacher before Friday.

Magnet Information
Please view this link that was presented to students this week by our Guidance Counselor Mrs. DuBose!

Friday, January 11, 2019

1.11 Newsletter

What's Happening in Science?
Image result for natural disastersThis week we took notes on natural disasters.  Students were able to see photos and news coverage videos of significant disasters.  Ask your student about earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical storms, and hurricanes.  Here is a list of natural disasters we talked about in class:
Alaskan Earthquake, Indonesian Tsunami, Hurricane Matthew, Hurricane & Tropical Storm Harvey

What's Happening in Math? 
Image result for mathWe covered Lessons 8-11 in class this week.  Students practiced adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.  Students expressed that the concept was easy for them.  Some feel more comfortable drawing the models while others can do it numerically.  Please make sure your child understands how to interpret the models.  Students should continue practicing with finding the common denominator between fractions as well as simplifying fractions.  Simply make up fractions and see how well your child does with these two concepts.  This will help them become successful with adding and subtracting fractions.  The word problems for the lessons are the most important thing your child needs to understand.  We will practice more next week.  Continue with multiplication fluency as we will have our 4's and 6's multiplication quiz soon.

What are Sprints?
We use Sprints in certain lessons.  They are a part of our fluency practice which is like a math warm up.  Students are given 1 minute to answer as many problems on Side A as they can.  Afterwards, they check their work and identify the number they got correct.  This is their goal to reach or beat for Side B. These are all located in their math workbooks.  Review your child's sprints with them.  You may even have them complete Side B with you at home. 

Image result for championsSprint Champions for the Week
Lesson 9: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Units 
Block 1: Harshdeep Wadhwa (Master), Nati Glowacki, Chaz Belle
Block 2: Lynn Marie Jones (Master), Elijah Berry, A'niya Adams, Asia Davis, Jaylen Sullivan

Lesson 10: Adding and Subtracting Whole numbers and Ones with Fraction Units
Block 1: Nati Glowacki & Harshdeep Wadhwa (Masters), Micah Lovett, Jonathan Burgess
Block 2: Marques Moultrie & Aaron Dennis (Masters), Elijah Berry, Asia Davis

Lesson 12: Subtract Fractions with Unlike Units
Block 1: Harshdeep Wadhwa (Master), Nati Glowacki, Arpith Gopu
Block 2: A'Niya Adams (Master), Jaylen Sullivan, Madison Derrick

Image result for field trips
Upcoming Field Trips
Information for these field trips were sent home today in Family Folders.  You may pay for these online or send in money to your child's homeroom.
Starbase: April 8-12
Cost: $25

Carowinds: TBD
Cost: $50

December Birthdays 
9- Madison Derrick
10- Omni Jones
22- Baye & Tinnin Lewis
31- Gabi Ressler

NASA Question of the Week
Click this link to work on and complete the question of the week.  Answers need to be submitted to your child's homeroom teacher before Friday.

Magnet Information
Please view this link that was presented to students this week by our Guidance Counselor Mrs. DuBose!