Wednesday, December 19, 2018

12/14 Newsletter

This week we began Module 3.  Lessons 1 and 2 were review of the 4th grade material.  We also began working on adding decimals with unlike denominators.  Please see the Math Newsletters page of this blog to see the math concepts for Topic A and Topic B.  

Make sure you are practicing 2's & 3's facts. They need to be able to solve 20 facts in 1 minute. The quiz will be next week.

We are learning about the ocean floor in our Exploring Changes in Landforms and Oceans unit.  We will continue with exciting learning experiences to learn more about natural disasters.

Every week students are given a question of the week to answer using the resource provided.  Students are given the chance to work on this in class but are welcome to do it at home.  All submissions must include the answers, student name, and teacher name.  

Image result for upcoming events
News Show: TEAM A (Please arrive at school by 7:45 am)

Next Week is our Project Lead the Way Week.  Block 2 (Mrs. Juniewicz homeroom will be there from 1:40-2:25)

Tues., Dec. 18 Golden Eagles Field Study

Wed., Dec. 19 Winter Concert (1:00-2:00 in the FLE Gym)

Fri., Dec. 21 Early Dismissal

Dec. 22- Jan 6 Winter Break

Image result for december birthdays
4- Micah Lovett
9- Ayla Neely
15- Harshdeep Wadhwa
17- Jaylen Sullivan

Eagle Leaders for the Week
Students receive this recognition in class based on work ethic, leadership behavior, and character.  Students will be chosen each week and receive an "Eagle" to add onto their Brag Tag! Let's congratulate these students for their hard work!
Image result for soaring like an eagleBlock 1: Baye Lewis

Block 2: Sadie Fleniken


We are so excited to introduce to you and your child/ren our Winter Break Challenge. This challenge is a fun way to keep our children reading, writing, researching, building, and thinking, during the break. Your child received a calendar today in their Family Folder. The "rules" for the challenge are:

1. Complete the activity for the day - you can even go out of order if you need to. Do all 10 activities during the break.

2. Write at least a few (2-3) sentences about what you did each day. There are lines on the back of the calendar and you can use notebook paper as well.

3. Bring your calendar back to school on Monday 1/7 and earn a special treat!

Extra Challenge - After the calendars were printed a typo was noticed (it is not on the attached calendar). I've challenged the children to find that typo on the print calendar too!

The calendar and "journaling" page are below.

Image result for after school programWe are fortunate to have quite a few groups provide classes on campus. Each program is run by the sponsored group and registration and prices vary. Please see the Winter/Spring After School Program flyer for information.

Soccer Shots (Mondays - K-2 Only)
The winter season will kick off on Monday, January 14th. Register online

Language Buzz (Tuesdays)
The spring session begins on Tuesday, January 22nd. The registration form is included below.

Strategery Chess & Games (Tuesdays)
The spring session begins on Tuesday, January 15th. The registration form is included below.

We still have openings in the following programs:
Golf (Mondays)
Gymnastics/Cheer (Thursdays)
Taekwondo (Fridays)

**Lace Up Dance is full 

STEM for Kids: Robotics
Fridays 3:00 - 4:00
Details are on the flyer

Friday, December 7, 2018

12.7 Newsletter

Image result for dividing multi digit numbersThis week we continued working on division with multi-digit dividends and two digit divisors.  We also worked on dividing with decimal dividends.  Students had a quiz on Thursday/Friday using the strategy of estimating quotients using compatible numbers.  Some students had difficulty with this skill as some did not see the usefulness in estimating prior to solving.  Please reinforce the concept of using this strategy to check for reasonableness.  

Example: If I'm solving for 154 ÷ 12, I would round the divisor first and then come up with a compatible number that is divisible by the rounded divisor.  I would think 150 ÷ 10 = 15.  This would help me after I solve to know that my answer to the original problem is going to be close to 15 (12 R. 10).  This will help me check to make sure that if I got a number like 34, that answer would not be reasonable.

We are finished with Module 2 and will be moving into Module 3 next week.  Expect to see a new math workbook coming home next week.  We will continue to have quizzes from Module 2 next week (Topic F & Topic G).  Please look for graded exit tickets to use as a study guide.

I have updated the Math Newsletters page of this blog.  If you would like to see what your child will be learning for each topic click on the links to learn more.  This will also give parents an idea of the concepts taught in class and the essential vocabulary we use.  (I know it's not videos but it is really helpful information!)

We took our multiplication quiz on all multiplication today (The results are on Google Classroom).  I will input these scores into PowerSchool this weekend.  Continue practicing multiplication facts for fluency.  Students need to be able to fluently know the products without using other strategies (such as dots, fingers, skip counting).  Daily practice is key!! We will start with 2's & 3's facts where students need to know 20 facts in 1 minute. We took a practice test today. Ask your child how they felt about it.

We are finished with our Ecosystem unit.  We are moving into Exploring Changes in Landforms and Oceans Look at my pictures page to see how students were oceanographers this week.  On Wednesday, we will be in the library for research on weathering and erosion.

Every week students are given a question of the week to answer using the resource provided.  Students are given the chance to work on this in class but are welcome to do it at home.  All submissions must include the answers, student name, and teacher name.  

Image result for upcoming events
News Show: TEAM C (Please arrive at school by 7:45 am)

Thurs., Dec. 13 BETA Club event (Kindergarten reading buddies)

Tues., Dec. 18 Golden Eagles Field Study

Wed., Dec. 19 Winter Concert (1:00-2:00 in the FLE Gym)

Fri., Dec. 21 Early Dismissal

Dec. 22- Jan 6 Winter Break

Image result for december birthdays
4- Micah Lovett
9- Ayla Neely
15- Harshdeep Wadhwa
17- Jaylen Sullivan

Eagle Leaders for the Week
Students receive this recognition in class based on work ethic, leadership behavior, and character.  Students will be chosen each week and receive an "Eagle" to add onto their Brag Tag! Let's congratulate these students for their hard work!
Image result for soaring like an eagleBlock 1: Jonathan Burgess

Block 2: Lynn Marie Jones

2nd 5th Grade Order Form 

I apologize for the late notice but the 2nd round of 5th grade t-shirts are underway.  I've sent home a 2nd order form for families to fill out.  Here is the form that was sent home.  I have given out the paper to students who have asked for another form.  If you need another copy, please email me so that I can get it to you.  The cost is $15 and money is due by Friday, December 14th.  We anticipate having shirts returned after winter break.  5th grade appreciates your support.

Impact Aid Forms

Image result for after school programWe are fortunate to have quite a few groups provide classes on campus. Each program is run by the sponsored group and registration and prices vary. Please see the Winter/Spring After School Program flyer for information.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

11/12 Newsletter

Image result for shout outI want to first should out both of my math classes!  They did an awesome job on the 1st Nine Weeks Math Benchmark.  We are off to a great start.  Even through all the tears and confusion, students still did their personal best and it all paid off.  Keep reviewing those first nine weeks concepts as we will revisit them frequently to stay fresh! #SharpenTheSaw

I have updated the Math Newsletters page of this blog.  If you would like to see what your child will be learning for each topic click on the links to learn more.  This will also give parents an idea of the concepts taught in class and the essential vocabulary we use.  (I know it's not videos but it is really helpful information!)

Continue studying multiplication facts for fluency.  Students need to be able to fluently know the products without using other strategies (such as dots, fingers, skip counting).  Daily practice is key!! Our final test of 10 questions in 1 minute will be 11's and 12's. We will soon change this to 20 facts in 1 minute. The following online programs can help with this:
Math Magician (0's-10's facts)
Math Magician (fact fluency- includes all math operations)
Math Trainer
Self Correcting Multiplication Tests

I also ran across this website: Tips and Tricks for Practicing Multiplication Facts at Home This can take tradition studying of facts using flash cards to a more entertaining fun games to play at home without a computer!

In science, we are working on food chains.  We are doing a cool Biosphere Activity using Mystery Science! Ask your child about what they have learned so far about the food chain.  Don't forget to review vocabulary words with your child (in science journals).

Image result for upcoming events
News Show: Team B (Please arrive at school prior to 7:45)

Nov.12-16 American Education Week

Nov. 14 Fall Picture Make Up 

Nov. 15
Boots and Bows

Nov. 17 Girls on the Run 5K & Lego Club Competition

Nov. 21-25 Thanksgiving Holiday

Nov. 27 Magnet Fair

Nov. 30 Interims

Image result for parent conferenceThank you parents for coming in for a conference.  If you did not get a chance to meet with us and you would like to know more about the information we sent home with report cards, please email me and let me know.  I know the scheduling was hectic but I want to make sure you are fully of aware of things you can do to help your child succeed.                                        
This is the season of giving! Here are some community service projects happening here in our school that you can donate towards:

Friday, October 19, 2018

10/19 Class Newsletter

We are well into Module 2 and this week we discussed strategies to multiply multi-digit numbers. I introduced the area model as a strategy as well as the standard algorithm.  Ask your child what a partial product is and how they can find it.  Refer to lessons 4-9 on this concept in their math workbooks and journal. To be successful with this concept, students must have a strong background with basic multiplication.  As of now, students are required to answer 10 mixed multiplication facts from 0-12 within 1 minute.  We will soon change this to 20 facts in 1 minute.  Continue practicing the fluency of basic multiplication facts.  The following online programs can help with this:
Math Magician (0's-10's facts)
Math Magician (fact fluency- includes all math operations)
Math Trainer
Self Correcting Multiplication Tests

In science, we continued discussing biotic and abiotic factors of ecosystems.  Students created powerpoint presentations on their findings.  This was accompanied with beautiful pictures of their ecosystem.  I will take pictures and share them next week.

 Looking ahead:
Image result for looking ahead
Math We will begin Topic C on Monday.  This topic teaches how to multiply multi-digit decimals. Please see the Parent Newsletter (go to the Math Newsletter page) for this topic so that you know what to expect.  Students will be quizzed on Topic B (multiplying multi-digit whole numbers).  We will also take our 2nd multiplication fluency test on 6's and 7's facts.  Students need to know these facts up to 12's (ex. 6x 11, 6 x 12, 7 x 11, 7 x 12).

Science We will dig deeper into understanding Ecosystems. Next week we will move towards learning about food chains.  Discuss what your child has been learning through the course of the week.

Image result for upcoming events
News Show: Team B (Please arrive at school prior to 7:45)

Mon-Fri, Oct. 22-26 Extra PE Week (Mrs. Juniewicz homeroom will go to Project Lead the Way at the end of each day)

Oct. 22-26 Spirit Week (Click the link to see the spirit days) 

Friday, October 26
 SOAR Celebration
                                                                                       Early Dismissal
                                                                                       Parent Conferences
                                                                                       T-Shirt Pre-Order Forms Due

Oct. 29-Nov. 2 Mastery Connect Benchmark Assessments (3rd-5th grade only)

Image result for parent conference
Please join us for a conference to discuss your child's progress this 9 weeks. Please be prompt due to time restraints.  If you do not see a time that suits your schedule, please email us. We will make arrangements to meet with you at a later date.                                             Sign Up Here

Consider purchasing a 5th Grade Spirit Band or T-Shirt: 

Big pictureSpirit Band: SOARing to be the best!" just $2.00. Just send cash with your child and they will receive on immediately while supplies last.

Click here to see information about our customized 5th grade T-Shirts. Pre-orders will go in by October 26th.  Shirts are $15. 

Middle School Shadowing

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Is your 5th grader interested in applying for a middle school magnet program? We have started scheduling student shadowing experiences and parent tours for Dent Middle School Magnet Programs! Parents can complete this form if they have a 5th, 6th, or 7th grader who is interested in shadowing the TWO Academies Magnet Program or the TLC Magnet Program at Dent. We would love to have students and parents visit to find out more about the TWO Academies and TLC experience! 

Thank you! 

Martha Walker                                    Marc Turner
Lead Teacher, TWO Academies           Lead Teacher, TLC             

*Please try not to schedule shadowing experiences the week of October 29th as that is our Benchmark testing week for the District*

Image result for money clip artFees, After Care, Field Studies etc.
You can take care of all of these tasks through Parent Portal Log in to Parent Portal at ​ Click 
“S​tudent Fees”​ on the navigation bar

Friday, September 28, 2018

9/28 Class Newsletter

I would like to thank all the grandparents for coming.  We had a blast.  I also wanted to thank all the parents that donated goodies and to Mrs. Wadhwa for coming in to help out.  Go to the "Pictures" page to see the poems students created for grandparents.

This week in math we discussed multiplying decimals.  We used three different strategies to multiply decimals (place value chart, area model, and standard algorithm of multiplication)  Students understood the strategies but some struggled with multiplication fluency.  Continue practicing the fluency of basic multiplication facts.  The following online programs can help with this:
Math Magician (0's-10's facts)
Math Magician (fact fluency- includes all math operations)
Math Trainer
Self Correcting Multiplication Tests

In science, we continued discussing biotic and abiotic factors.  Ask your child about the Environment Web activity. Click here to see the pictures for this activity.

Continue to Practice: Many students struggled with the rounding lessons.  The strategy taught was the vertical number line but I will do another small group for students who still need support with rounding.  Here is a Parent Handbook on the expectations for those lessons.

 Looking ahead:
Image result for looking ahead
Math We will begin Topic F on Monday.  This topic teaches how to divide decimals. Please see the Parent Newsletter (go to the Math Newsletter page) for this topic so that you know what to expect.

Science We will dig deeper into understanding Ecosystems. Discuss what your child has been learning through the course of the week.

Image result for upcoming events
Tuesday, October 2 Bond Referendum Information (FLE Cafeteria@ 6:00)

Wednesday, October 3 Fall Pictures

Monday, October 8 Friday, October 12 Book Fair

Thursday, October 11 NASA Night

Tuesday, October 16 School Board Candidates Forum (R2i2 @ 6:30)

Image result for volunteersCalling All Volunteers!

Volunteer Opportunities

Picture Day is Wednesday, October 3 beginning at 8:30.
We could use help throughout the day for helping staff in the gym.
If you could help at some time during the day, please email or call Marian Scullion ( 782-0470 ext. 3157) to let her know your available time/s.

If you haven't already completed a volunteer form (or can't remember if you did), click this link for the Volunteer Form and print.  Send this with you child. Contact information will be stored to share information about events occurring during the year.

Image result for after school
By the end of this week, all programs will have started. There is still room for a few more participants. You can find the flyer below.

eLc Family Handbook & Signature Page

You will find a copy of the handbook below. Teachers are still collecting the signature page. New families received a hard copy of the handbook at the beginning of the year while returning families just received the signature page. Teachers will be sending home a 2nd signature page if they haven't gotten one from you yet. Please read, sign, and return these ASAP. Thanks so much!

Image result for money clip artFees, After Care, Field Studies etc.
You can take care of all of these tasks through Parent Portal Log in to Parent Portal at ​ Click 
S​tudent Fees”​ on the navigation bar