Friday, March 22, 2019

3.22.19 Newsletter

What's Happening with 5th Grade

Image result for mcentier starbaseStarbase Field Study
Ms. Jacobs and Mrs. Juniewicz classes will be going to McEntire Airforce Base on April 8-12th.  That Friday, McEntire will be coming to the school since it is a half day.  Please make sure you have made payment by March 29 (NEXT FRIDAY).  The payment is $25.  You may pay online (Parent Portal) or you may send in cash or check with your child.

Carowinds Field Study
Image result for carowinds
All of 5th grade will attend a field study to Carowinds on May 31.  Please make sure payments are sent in by April 12. The payment is $50.  You may pay online (Parent Portal) or you may send in cash or check with your child.  Students will be eating at the buffet at Carowinds.  We are allowing chaperones to attend as well but please understand these chaperone participation requirements:

1) Chaperones will not be allowed to ride the bus.  Instead you must follow the bus or meet us there.

2)  You must complete the chaperone agreement form and background check process. If they have already completed the background check process you will just need to sign in the Lobby Guard system. Chaperones may come in at any time that week to receive their printed sticker from Lobby Guard. Other guest will not be allowed to join the group when you all arrive to Carowinds because of liability.
Click this link to complete the background check form.

3) Chaperones must send in $50 prior to the trip.   We plan to buy group tickets so you must pay before you go.

Image result for 5th grade graduation clip art

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
The date for the ceremony is set for June 4th at 9:00 am.  It will be held at the RNE District Auditorium.  Students are to arrive at the school and will be bused over.  For your schedule and planning purposes, the ceremony should last no more than 1 hour.  More details will be sent out closer to the date.

5th Grade Baby Pictures
If you are interested in including your child on the 5th grade slide show, please make sure you send in your child's baby picture.  It can be emailed as well.  I will scan it and send it back if you send in the copy.

Image result for baby picture clip art

What's Happening at FLE

Run, Forest, Run!
Image result for run forest run 5kThe 5K/10K Event for our school is coming up April 27.  Make sure you register.  This event is full of fun, food, and games. And Walking/Running of course.  Can't wait to see you there!  Click this link for more information.

Image result for fireflies baseball

Forest Lake's Firefly Baseball Game - Friday, April 5 at 7:05 pm

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March Birthdays
12- Ms. Jacobs
21- Asia Davis
24- Abby Wallace
29- Mrs. Juniewicz

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Cookie Dough Fundraiser Pick-up: April 8th

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2/19 Newsletter

What's Happening in Science?

This week we have begun discussing Matter. 
Students have realized that even though they can describe the differences between a solid, liquid, and gases, they need to fully understand the properties of each state.  We also have discovered that we need to understand "What is matter?"  This week we will use BrainPop and Study Jams to understand properties and the states of Matter.  Students will be given time to independently learn about Matter.  See Google Classroom Science to see their Independent Learning Activities.

What's Happening in Math? 

In Module 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions, we are in Topic E where we are multiplying fractions by whole numbers and fractions by fractions.  This week we will be completing Lessons 15-19.  Students are highly encouraged to model with rectangle fraction models.  Most students can solve without the use of the model but if you find inconsistencies with your child's work, please make sure they try the model to help them.  See what is expected in the Eureka Math Newsletter for this topic in the "Math Newsletter" section of this blog. tape diagrams to interpret division word problems.  Students need the most help applying the concepts in the word problems.  Please encourage your child to read, draw, and write their answers to the word problem.  This will ensure that they understand the problem and can explain their answer to the problem.
This picture is what is displayed in my classroom for students to read what it means to "Read, Draw, Write".

Things to Review (Ask your child example problems like this to see what they may need extra help on):

  • How do you simplify fractions? (Example: 6/12= 1/2 because you can divide the numerator and denominator by 6)
  • How do you find equivalent fractions? (Example: 3/4 = 9/12)
  • What is a unit fraction? (A fraction that has 1 as its numerator. It names 1 equal part of a whole)
  • How do you multiply a fraction times a whole number? (Ex. 3 x 2/3 is 3 copies of 2/3. Repeated Addition 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 or (3x2)/3)
  • Review Word Problems in Lessons 13-19 Problem Set and Homework
What are Sprints?
Image result for championsWe use Sprints in certain lessons.  They are a part of our fluency practice which is like a math warm up.  Students are given 1 minute to answer as many problems on Side A as they can.  Afterwards, they check their work and identify the number they got correct.  This is their goal to reach or beat for Side B. These are all located in their math workbooks.  Review your child's sprints with them.  You may even have them complete Side B with you at home. 

Sprint Champions for the Week

Lesson 14: Multiply a Fraction and a Whole Number (Side A)
Block 1: Micah Lovett (master), Lucas Diggins, Baye Lewis, Carter Rankin
Block 2: Joshua Flores (master), Aaron Rogers, Elijah Berry, Madison Derrick

Homework Help: Please see your child's math journal, lesson problem set, and/or the Math Newsletter for the Module.

School Supply Wish List:
We are in desperate need for dry erase markers!  We use these often.  If you could donate, that would be great!!

Upcoming Field Trips
Image result for field tripsInformation for these field trips has been sent home in Family Folders.  You may pay for these online or send in money to your child's homeroom.
Starbase: April 8-12 (Permission and Money due March 29th)
Cost: $25

Carowinds: May 31 (Permission and Money due April 12th)
Cost: $50

Upcoming Events:
Thurs, Feb. 21- Golden Eagles Field Study to SC State
Fri, Feb. 22- Interims Sent Home

Make-Up Weather Days Update
The School Board has waived the last two days from the ones missed int he fall due to the hurricane.

February Birthdays 
Elijah Berry

Cool STEM Activities to try at home.  Just click the title.  It will show a link to download the activity! Try these and send me pictures of what you learned!
Siemens STEM Day | STEM Spot | Monthly Activities to Kickstart Curiosity | February 2019: Rock on with STEM
School of Rock icon
School of Rock
Topic: Geology
In this activity, students explore the effects of physical and chemical weathering on various types of rocks. They use abrasive tools to model physical weathering and a weak acid to model chemical weathering's effects on rocks.

Addresses: NGSS
Level of Difficulty: 2
Grade Range: 6-8
Weathering Cubes icon
Weathering Cubes
Topic: Weathering, Surface
area to volume relationship
In this activity, students will model the weathering of rocks by shaking sugar cubes in a container. They will make observations and draw conclusions about the relationship between surface area, volume, and weathering.

Addresses: NGSS
Level of Difficulty: 4
Grade Range: K-8
A Rocky Test icon
A Rocky Test
Topic: Geology
In this activity, students explore the effects of physical and chemical weathering on various types of rocks. They use abrasive tools to model physical weathering and observe the effects of a weak acid to model chemical weathering's effects on rocks.

Addresses: NGSS
Level of Difficulty: 2
Grade Range: 6-8 | #STEMday | Siemens Foundation | Discovery Education